Magnolia watch on April 27, 2013 11NG flora life in general life in Oxford magnolia random thoughts seasons and weather + spring 11NG flora life in general life in Oxford magnolia random thoughts seasons and weather spring
The joyful hope of spring on April 20, 2013 11NG being RSCJ community feasts flora +5 friendship Heart of Jesus hope hundredfold magnolia prayer religious life seasons and weather spirituality spring vocation 11NG being RSCJ community feasts flora friendship Heart of Jesus hope hundredfold magnolia prayer religious life seasons and weather spirituality spring vocation
Marathon love on April 19, 2013 life in general life in Oxford London love passion people and pin-ups playfulness and fun + random thoughts life in general life in Oxford London love passion people and pin-ups playfulness and fun random thoughts
Emerging into openness on April 14, 2013 11NG flora Italy and all things Italian life in Oxford +1 magnolia seasons and weather spirituality spring words and language 11NG flora Italy and all things Italian life in Oxford magnolia seasons and weather spirituality spring words and language
A wide-open YES on April 08, 2013 11NG Annunciation flora magnolia Mary seasons and weather spring + vocation 11NG Annunciation flora magnolia Mary seasons and weather spring vocation
What a Wordle of a month! on April 03, 2013 current events feasts justice and injustice +3 life in general playfulness and fun random thoughts seasons and weather spring Wordles words and language current events feasts justice and injustice life in general playfulness and fun random thoughts seasons and weather spring Wordles words and language