Cool like Jesus on April 28, 2021 life online memories playfulness and fun quirky thoughts religious life social media words and language +
Living Joyfully on April 25, 2021 hundredfold joy life online love Love divine Pope Francis religious life vocation +
Thingish Things and ten years of Heaven on April 17, 2021 anniversaries and milestones life online Pooh & co writing and blogging +
In praise of... hairdressers on April 15, 2021 gratitude in praise of... life in general little things lockdown this and that +
A wall of hearts on April 11, 2021 bereavement Coronavirus hard times and heartache hearts London love prayer +
Simply Hallelujah on April 04, 2021 Coronavirus Easter and Eastertide lockdown poetry and song Resurrection social media videos +
Believing in love on April 02, 2021 contemplation Cross Good Friday hard times and heartache hope love Open Heart and pierced Society texts +