Maranatha... Alleluia on November 29, 2022 Advent and Christmastide hymns life in general + words and language Advent and Christmastide hymns life in general words and language
The King of love on November 21, 2022 anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ Church texts +3 community feasts Heart of Jesus hymns Love divine mission Society feasts Sophie anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ Church texts community feasts Heart of Jesus hymns Love divine mission Society feasts Sophie
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My final silver month on November 14, 2022 anniversaries and milestones call homilies joy love memories Pope Francis + the Spirit anniversaries and milestones call homilies joy love memories Pope Francis the Spirit
In praise of... My frond-y flower on November 10, 2022 autumn flora life in general names + seasons and weather autumn flora life in general names seasons and weather
Saints of God on November 01, 2022 being RSCJ feasts memories people and pin-ups +0 vows being RSCJ feasts memories people and pin-ups vows