Treasure and true images on July 30, 2023 life in general prayer retreating scripture this and that + treasure life in general prayer retreating scripture this and that treasure
The scents of my childhood on July 25, 2023 flora food and feasting generosity Italy and all things Italian + memories flora food and feasting generosity Italy and all things Italian memories
Capturing Francis on July 21, 2023 Francis & co Ignatius & co images joy random thoughts spirituality + wounds Francis & co Ignatius & co images joy random thoughts spirituality wounds
In praise of... my neighbour's jasmine on July 13, 2023 flora generosity in praise of... life in general seasons and weather + summer flora generosity in praise of... life in general seasons and weather summer
With the wounds of humanity on July 08, 2023 being RSCJ Heart of Jesus Open Heart and pierced wounds + writing and blogging being RSCJ Heart of Jesus Open Heart and pierced wounds writing and blogging