Called by name on June 22, 2011 anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ community +2 Heart of Jesus names probation religious life vocation vows anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ community Heart of Jesus names probation religious life vocation vows
Fizzing with love on June 19, 2011 community friendship Julian love Society texts the Spirit + Trinity community friendship Julian love Society texts the Spirit Trinity
The wind blows where it wills... on June 12, 2011 Church texts life in general Pentecost random thoughts + the Spirit Church texts life in general Pentecost random thoughts the Spirit
Communicating Christ on June 05, 2011 feasts homilies memories quotes random thoughts + reading and media feasts homilies memories quotes random thoughts reading and media
Silvana to the power of two on June 02, 2011 being RSCJ community Italy and all things Italian life in general life in Oxford names + religious life being RSCJ community Italy and all things Italian life in general life in Oxford names religious life