Letting all God's glory through

This morning I came across this extract from a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins. I posted it on Facebook as my way of commemorating a feast I have never found easy to understand.

Mary Immaculate,                                                                        
Merely a woman, yet
Whose presence, power is
Great as no goddess’s
Was deemèd, dreamèd; who
This one work has to do—
Let all God’s glory through,
God’s glory which would go
Through her and from her flow
Off, and no way but so.

"This one work...
Let all God's glory through..."
It's what we're all called to do, through the quality of our being, our way and depth of living and loving. Very early on in the Constitutions of my congregation, the Society of the Sacred Heart, it says we are consecrated to glorifying the Heart of Jesus. It goes on to say what this means, and though the words here are for RSCJ, in reality they can apply to anyone who wants to live centred only on God...

We answer His call
to discover and reveal His love
letting ourselves be transformed by His Spirit
so as to live united and conformed to Him,
and through our love and service
to radiate the very love of His Heart.

Happy feast, and may Mary help us to live those words, so that we too can let all God's glory through...
