After a couple of weeks in which everything has been bathed in spring sunshine and teeming with new life, today - Easter Sunday - has dawned disappointingly dull, grey and cloudy. It's one of those days when we know the sun has risen not because we can see it, but because of other signs, such as daylight and birdsong, which tell us this has happened and assure us the sun is there, though well hidden.
Easter sunshine, even an Easter sunrise, would have been lovely, but... even if it pours with rain, it is still Easter, a day filled with the joy of Christ's presence and new life.
All things therefore are charged with love, are charged with God and if we knew how to touch them give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (extract from a letter)
And therein lies so much of the gift and the mission of Easter. The world is indeed filled, alive, charged with God and the love of God, and exists solely to proclaim him and his love. And the challenge for us is to do likewise - and especially to be like the birdsong which proclaims the risen sun to a world that cannot see it.
This lovely version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, with changed lyrics by Kelley Mooney, popped into my Facebook feed this morning. Do watch it, and sing along with the chorus - and let that chorus sing in you

All things therefore are charged with love, are charged with God and if we knew how to touch them give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (extract from a letter)
And therein lies so much of the gift and the mission of Easter. The world is indeed filled, alive, charged with God and the love of God, and exists solely to proclaim him and his love. And the challenge for us is to do likewise - and especially to be like the birdsong which proclaims the risen sun to a world that cannot see it.
This lovely version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, with changed lyrics by Kelley Mooney, popped into my Facebook feed this morning. Do watch it, and sing along with the chorus - and let that chorus sing in you
Happy Easter - Hallelujah!
Lovely version of this song! Thanks!