St Take, Lord, Receive on July 31, 2014 Exercises Ignatius & co images love prayer random thoughts + retreating Exercises Ignatius & co images love prayer random thoughts retreating
With the joy of finding our treasure... on July 30, 2014 being RSCJ Constitutions discernment grace joy +2 love religious life scripture Society texts treasure vocation vows being RSCJ Constitutions discernment grace joy love religious life scripture Society texts treasure vocation vows
Humanity and respect on July 24, 2014 being RSCJ bereavement Constitutions +3 current events grace hard times and heartache justice and injustice memories people and pin-ups Society texts being RSCJ bereavement Constitutions current events grace hard times and heartache justice and injustice memories people and pin-ups Society texts
Loss, tragedy and love on July 18, 2014 being RSCJ bereavement community Cor Unum +6 current events hard times and heartache homilies justice and injustice love memories people and pin-ups prayer quotes being RSCJ bereavement community Cor Unum current events hard times and heartache homilies justice and injustice love memories people and pin-ups prayer quotes
For the unknown pilgrims on July 14, 2014 life in general poetry and song quotes random thoughts + this and that life in general poetry and song quotes random thoughts this and that
July hyacinth! on July 06, 2014 anniversaries and milestones flora Janet Stuart +2 poetry and song random thoughts seasons and weather Society pin-ups summer anniversaries and milestones flora Janet Stuart poetry and song random thoughts seasons and weather Society pin-ups summer
The world and 33 acres on July 03, 2014 anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ community friendship Janet Stuart random thoughts + Society pin-ups anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ community friendship Janet Stuart random thoughts Society pin-ups