Wake up the world! on November 30, 2014 being RSCJ Constitutions current events feasts joy Pope Francis reading and media religious life vocation YoCL +
In praise of... autumn gold on November 28, 2014 autumn flora in praise of... little things Llannerchwen seasons and weather +
The grace of yes on November 21, 2014 being RSCJ God's glory grace Heart of Jesus quotes religious life Society feasts Society pin-ups Sophie vows +
The one thing necessary on November 18, 2014 being RSCJ feasts mission passion Philippine quotes religious life scripture Society feasts Society pin-ups +
Looking back with gratitude on November 13, 2014 being RSCJ Constitutions feasts gratitude Heart of Jesus Ignatius & co memories novitiate patrons prayer random thoughts religious life vocation +
November remembering on November 08, 2014 bereavement current events family friendship hard times and heartache memories random thoughts +
Variegated Wordle on November 03, 2014 feasts Janet Stuart justice and injustice Mary Nightfever random thoughts Society feasts Society pin-ups Wordles +