Alas, this was one of those occasions when my camera came nowhere near capturing what my eyes could see. The dull gold sky appeared washed out, the shining, jewel-bright branches barely glimmered. Instead, I had to capture the moment in my memory, as humans have always had to do before the easy availability of digital cameras and smartphones.
As I turned away another light caught my eye; and there, beyond the garages, by the bins, a bush, seemingly encased in fairy lights. A burning bush! - but unlike Moses I did not remove my shoes, or approach in cautious awe; instead, I grabbed my phone once again. A shining, burning bush, there beside the bins... a transitory, startling moment of unexpected beauty... a burst of glory fading within minutes from sight but remaining in my memory... a swift, sudden, uplifting joy, and a reminder of the God who speaks from bushes and bins, and can be found in all things, however prosaic, if we only have eyes and heart to see...
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