Cracked darkness on December 31, 2017 darkness faith hope new year poetry and song random thoughts seasons and weather Teresa & co winter +
Stillness and simply being on December 23, 2017 Advent and Christmastide contemplation crib prayer random thoughts spirituality this and that +
And the promise is kept on December 18, 2017 Advent and Christmastide fidelity life in general prayer random thoughts this and that +
I was born here on December 14, 2017 anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ Heart of Jesus Society texts Sophie vocation vows +
Love and tiny fragility on December 12, 2017 being RSCJ Love divine Society pin-ups Sophie spirituality +
Space for the uncontained God on December 08, 2017 Mary poetry and song random thoughts spirituality +
Advent: to hurry or to wait on December 03, 2017 Advent and Christmastide discernment memories Philippine prayer Sophie this and that +