But here we see none of that. Here we see him in stillness, quiet and contemplation; the Good News before him, hands open to give - Take, Lord, and receive... and to receive back - You have given all to me; to you, O Lord, I return it... Give me your love and your grace, for this is enough for me.
Here we see what made Ignatius tick; what gave him his strength and fuelled his inner fire and dynamism. Not activity or exercise or writing 'to do' lists, but stillness, and emptiness before God. And I am reminded of a poster I used to see outside the Oxford Quaker Meeting House: Beginning with stillness my faith becomes action. Beginning with stillness... because it is in here that we receive that love and grace which will be 'enough' for us: 'enough' for whatever call or mission has been entrusted to us; certainly 'enough' to nourish and sustain us as we seek to be contemplatives in action, as Ignatius was.
A happy feast everyone - may today's celebration be a time of grace, renewal and inspiration for mission!
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