And this seems to be a good image to take with me today, as I load up the car and set off for Llannerchwen, my favourite place for a retreat. I'm looking forward to eight days of space and solitude, and the silence permeating the place; to long walks in untramelled nature and, of course, to extra, focused time in prayer and sitting contemplatively with God. Fundamentally, I'm looking forward to the greater depth and interiority a retreat makes possible: to time spent at my Source, replenishing and renewing myself; to inwardness in order to radiate outwards... so that returning I can better - as our Constitutions put it - radiate the very love of His Heart...

Prayer is the communication of the soul with God. God is love, and love is goodness giving itself away. It is a fullness of being that does not want to remain enclosed in itself, but rather to share itself with others.
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