Thirteen times love on September 29, 2019 current events love Love divine scripture words and language + writing and blogging current events love Love divine scripture words and language writing and blogging
In praise of... leftovers on September 21, 2019 faith food and feasting in praise of... life online quirky thoughts + spirituality faith food and feasting in praise of... life online quirky thoughts spirituality
No other job on September 17, 2019 being RSCJ gratitude life in general religious life this and that + vocation being RSCJ gratitude life in general religious life this and that vocation
Pigsty ponder on September 15, 2019 Augustine Llannerchwen Love divine random thoughts retreating scripture + this and that Augustine Llannerchwen Love divine random thoughts retreating scripture this and that
In praise of... toad lily promise on September 09, 2019 flora in praise of... life in general little things seasons and weather + summer flora in praise of... life in general little things seasons and weather summer
Our world as the "why" on September 06, 2019 being RSCJ current events memories probation random thoughts religious life + this and that being RSCJ current events memories probation random thoughts religious life this and that