Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organisation, has been delivering regular updates and media briefings concerning the Coronavirus. In them, facts and figures are interspersed with hope, detemination and clear-sighted, calm, pragmatic advice. On Monday, at the end of a lengthy briefing, he ended with these words...
Let hope be the antidote to fear.
Let solidarity be the antidote to blame.
Let our shared humanity be the antidote to our shared threat.
Three lines, twenty-five words, which could be a prayer... and are most certainly an antidote, to so much of the panic, scapegoating and selfishness currently in the air. Three lines which are an antidote, not only to the current pandemic and its effects, but to so much else happening in our world.
And for those in need of more antidotes, I recommend these Coronavirus Golden Rules from the Diocese of St Albans.
And in these uncertain, unstable, fear-filled times, may our shared humanity, our hope and our solidarity keep us grounded and centred in God, and in the needs of those among us who are most vulnerable.
Let hope be the antidote to fear.
Let solidarity be the antidote to blame.
Let our shared humanity be the antidote to our shared threat.
Three lines, twenty-five words, which could be a prayer... and are most certainly an antidote, to so much of the panic, scapegoating and selfishness currently in the air. Three lines which are an antidote, not only to the current pandemic and its effects, but to so much else happening in our world.
And for those in need of more antidotes, I recommend these Coronavirus Golden Rules from the Diocese of St Albans.
And in these uncertain, unstable, fear-filled times, may our shared humanity, our hope and our solidarity keep us grounded and centred in God, and in the needs of those among us who are most vulnerable.