Back in late February 2020, in that BC - Before Coronavirus - time which truly feels like another world, the Sunday Mass Gospel came from Matthew 5, just after the Beatitudes. And in a homily which stayed with me for a long time, the priest focused on the fact that here Jesus speaks to us in the present tense. You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world... Not: you will become, or might become, you are called to be or have the potential, or can be if you try hard enough - but You are. Here; now; today... As you are, the priest repeated - as you are...
As you are, God repeats to each of us; as you are... here, now, today... with all your messiness and imperfections - and also with all you already are, your goodness and desire, and all your potential and raw material for sanctity. It was a powerful reminder that we needn't wait to become saints or scholars in order to be true followers of Jesus, able to make his love known. Discipleship isn't a future call; isn't something that will happen tomorrow, once I've sorted myself out and become holier or kinder or more prayerful. It happens - can happen - here, now, today; and I have what I need, the raw material, within me.
That homily came back to me today, as we celebrate St Philippine Duchesne, a woman who was, throughout her life, a living embodiment of this. Philippine came to God as she was: with all her limitations, her messiness and flaws, yes; but - most importantly - with her spacious heart filled with passion and generosity, an all-consuming love and all the raw material for sanctity. Raw material which she allowed God to transform, even while she remained stubborn and strong-willed, and so acutely aware of her ever-present flaws.
And today she too whispers As you are... As you are... The journey into the Heart of God begins with today's fervour, alongside today's mistakes and messes - not with tomorrow's hoped-for sanctity. You are salt and light... you are, and are called to be even more, the Heart of God in a hurting world so in need of healing and hope, tenderness and all-embracing Love...
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