This Pentecost, like no other, we can easily identify with the disciples, keeping safe in their self-imposed lockdown. The outpouring of the Spirit impelled them to unlock their doors and go out, emboldened, with a new mission - something many of us cannot yet do, physically at least. But there is nothing to prevent us from unlocking our hearts; keeping those doors open - wide open - and inviting the Spirit in. Any day, but especially today, we can welcome what that sublimely beautiful prayer Holy Spirit, Lord of Light describes as the soul's delightsome Guest.
We will, of course, then discover that this delightsome Guest hasn't come simply to sit passively, agreeing with whatever we say or making polite conversation. The Spirit comes to transform us into the image of Jesus, the Love of God - nothing less. We rarely help to make this straightforward, fearing holiness even as we yearn for it; fearing fire's searing, even as we long to burn with Love. But the Spirit comes, nonetheless, knowing our deepest desires...
And, whether we can leave our homes or not, the Spirit will also fill us with the gifts we need for living our mission, and contributing to the healing and renewal of our world. We just need to unlock whichever of our heart's doors we keep locked, open them wide and usher the Spirit in...
Happy feast of Pentecost, everyone - and happy birthday to all of us in the Church!

And, whether we can leave our homes or not, the Spirit will also fill us with the gifts we need for living our mission, and contributing to the healing and renewal of our world. We just need to unlock whichever of our heart's doors we keep locked, open them wide and usher the Spirit in...
Happy feast of Pentecost, everyone - and happy birthday to all of us in the Church!
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