This week, Facebook has been reminding me that three years ago I was part of the Philippine Forum in St Louis. Being reminded of good memories is always lovely, though right now there's a certain poignancy in remembering the hugs and closeness, and the huge numbers present - RSCJ from almost every Province, as well as members of the wider Sacred Heart family. There's a kind of innocence to all our pre-Covid19 gatherings; a time, not so long ago, when we didn't need to fear infection from physical proximity, or avoid crowded places...
Alongside these daily memories came a video created by our sisters in USA and Canada. RSCJ from around the world were asked to send in brief videos of themselves - alone or in community groups - saying We are One Body. The result is a mass gathering as diverse and multi-lingual as the Forum had been. We are One Body we repeated in international languages whose accents ranged across continents and land masses... and We are One Body said others, in Catalan and Hñahñu, Hindi and Malayalam, Tagalog and lots more. We are One Body declared some communities in creative ways; I was one of those who stood and spoke alone, though very conscious that I was in fact declaring the opposite.
We are One Body said a few, standing beside the Blessed Sacrament: a reminder that for us, the Eucharist and the open Heart are so bound together that it is the Eucharist which takes us into the open Heart of Christ; a reminder, too, that in the Eucharist we are one Body with Christ. And We are One Body said one sister standing beside the incorrupt body of St Madeleine Sophie, the woman whose endeavours bequeathed to us the spirit of Cor Unum which danced through the entire video.
We are One Body I murmured as I watched the video, enjoying this encounter with far-away friends and probation-sisters, and sisters I don't know, but with whom I am part of this diverse and international community, called to discover what it truly means to be One Body, as we make known the unlimited love of God's Heart.
And if you haven't done so already, you can watch the video here... and know that in Christ, we are One Body with you too...

We are One Body said a few, standing beside the Blessed Sacrament: a reminder that for us, the Eucharist and the open Heart are so bound together that it is the Eucharist which takes us into the open Heart of Christ; a reminder, too, that in the Eucharist we are one Body with Christ. And We are One Body said one sister standing beside the incorrupt body of St Madeleine Sophie, the woman whose endeavours bequeathed to us the spirit of Cor Unum which danced through the entire video.
We are One Body I murmured as I watched the video, enjoying this encounter with far-away friends and probation-sisters, and sisters I don't know, but with whom I am part of this diverse and international community, called to discover what it truly means to be One Body, as we make known the unlimited love of God's Heart.
And if you haven't done so already, you can watch the video here... and know that in Christ, we are One Body with you too...
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