God at the heart of our world

Pope Francis' message for yesterday's World Communications Day ended with a prayer whose final lines were:

Grant us the grace to recognise your dwelling places in our world
and the honesty needed to tell others what we have seen.

This, in a sense, is my call and my prayer as an RSCJ: to discover and recognise God in all places and people and things; to discover Love, dwelling in and among us, and then to make this love known, especially where it is most needed. 

And I recalled how the other day I had prayed with Malcolm Guite's sonnet for Ascension Day, and in particular with this line: He took us with him to the heart of things. It spoke to me of a God who is with us and within us: with us in our pain, anguish and confusion as much as in our joy and loving and hope; a God who dwells, and is active at the very heart of our world, of our lives - at the heart of all things. This is the God who is all Heart, and at the heart of me; the God who continually invites me to journey into his depths, and thereby into the heart of our world. This is where God takes me to in my prayer and my reflection, and where he invites me to recognise his presence and action, and his love - especially his love. The invitation then is to communicate this, through my words and my writing, yes, but especially through my actions and encounters, 'real' and online. 

As we begin a new week, and prepare for the great feast of Pentecost, may God continue to grant us the grace to recognise his many dwelling places, and to proclaim to others what we have found...
