How to describe yesterday's sea? How to describe that shimmering, silvery, glistening, luminous expanse billowing and frothing before me?
Yesterday was a brilliant, warm, blustery day. A day when everything sparkled, especially the sea, which - from a distance - looked deceptively calm and quietly scintillating. I'd had plenty of opportunity to admire it and take photos (shared on my Instagram) as I returned from my walk to Bonchurch, strolling reflectively and admiringly along the coastal path. I came back to the seafront a few hours later; there were still plenty of people about, even a few hardy swimmers. It was late afternoon, sliding towards early evening: the wind was stronger, while the sun had reached its zenith, suspended above the promontory behind which it would eventually descend and disappear. The sky was blue, tinted with sepia, and the sea was glimmering liquid silver, edged and adorned with black rocks and playful, paddling silhouettes.
But how to describe all this, when my photos didn't seem to do it justice, and even a thesaurus didn't feel enough? How about a couple of short videos, one shot from the esplanade, the other from higher up? I hope you too can feel the strength of the wind, and the magic of the shimmering, shimmying sea...
Love the two levels of cloud