Transfigured by Love

A couple of days after I shared some thoughts on last Sunday's Gospel of the Transfiguration, I found this short reflection, which I must have copied last year from an online newsletter. It has been part of my own prayer and reflection this week, and I'm sharing it here, before the Sunday Gospels move us from Transfiguration to thirst and living waters...

Pope Francis, in one of his homilies on the transfiguration, said the “instructions for the disciples and for us are this: ‘Listen to him!’ Listen to Jesus. He is the saviour: follow him. To listen to Christ, in fact, entails taking up the logic of his Paschal Mystery, setting out on the journey with him to make of oneself a gift of love to others.” Pope Francis then suggested we look at the transfiguration in the following way: “with Peter, James and John we too climb the Mount of the Transfiguration today and stop in contemplation of the face of Jesus to retrieve the message and translate it into our lives; for we too can be transfigured by love”. In the light of our call to follow Christ each day, we might ask ourselves: Where do I need to be changed, or what in my heart and life needs to be “transfigured” by love? And, not least, “How can I bring Christ's transfiguring love to those around me?” 
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So... what in my heart and my life needs to be transfigured by Love? What attitudes and half-heartedness, fickleness and fears need to be radically transformed at depth, as only Christ can? 

And, not least, “How can I bring Christ's transfiguring love to those around me?”
