Because he first loved us

Back in June, month of the Sacred Heart, Pope Francis indicated that he was preparing an encyclical focusing on the Heart of Jesus, to say something significant to a world that seems to have lost its heart. Since then I've been looking out for further updates - finally, yesterday, Vatican News announced that it will be published tomorrow. I'm looking forward to reading it, and reflecting on it; I hope it will inspire, and speak to my Sacred Heart heart, and to the hearts of people across our wounded, turbulent world.

Papal encyclicals take their titles from the first two or three words in their opening sentence, usually in Latin. No preamble here; that opening sentence goes straight to the heart of the matter. And according to Vatican News, this encyclical's title will be Dilexit Nos (He Loved Us) - or, to give it its full title, Dilexit Nos - Encyclical Letter on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ.

He loved us... And straightaway I wonder if the full first sentence will come from 1 John 4:19 - We love, because he first loved us... Because he has loved us since before the creation of the world, with an everlasting, unlimited, self-giving love... 

And I think, these opening words are entirely right: because when we begin to speak of the Heart of Jesus, begin to ponder and explain his essence and reason for being, we can only begin with the immensity and unconditionality of God's love for us. Yes, we might be all too aware of our weakness, and failures to love... but if we focus on him, then we will love, and grow in love, because he has loved us first.

And whatever else this encyclical will say about the Heart of Jesus, if people go no further than its opening words, they will have already encountered his meaning, and, I pray, know themselves to be loved. 
