Part of something larger

Yesterday morning, full of anxiety, confusion and uncertainty, the new school term began. Yesterday evening schools were closed as our latest lockdown was declared, and new challenges emerged. Yesterday morning I had tweeted a supportive message to our Sacred Heart educators here, which was also picked up by a couple of our American schools. One of them re-tweeted it, adding We're part of something larger and that gives us strength.

Yes indeed.

Twenty-seven years ago today I took my first step into being part of something much larger, when I became a candidate with the Society of the Sacred Heart. I can remember knowing I was joining something much, much bigger than myself, though what this would mean was all still vaguely somewhere in an as yet unimagined future. I knew I was joining an international congregation, which - given my background and upbringing - felt entirely right: I didn't yet know about our Cor Unum, though; didn't realise just how much I would end up feeling kinship with women I had never met in other countries and continents.  

And I knew I was joining a congregation dedicated to the Sacred Heart, though I had absolutely no idea just how huge, and wide and deep that Heart could be! That was one of many joyous discoveries to be made; one of many assurances along the way. In the depths of the Sacred Heart I am indeed part of something much bigger than myself, and this gives me strength... It also impels me to go out, to love and to want to love, in whatever 'normal' or strange circumstances I am called to live this call. As this new lockdown once again makes our circles smaller, being in the Heart of Jesus ensures that mine are also larger, and wider, and able to reach out and hold the world... as does God's Heart. 
