God's call is love

Let us pause a moment on this experience of meeting Christ, who calls us to remain with Him... Each one of God's calls is an initiative of His love... [There are] different ways of realising the design that God has for each one of us, which is always a design of love... The greatest joy for every believer is to respond to that call, offering one's entire being to the service of God and the brothers and sisters...

God's call is love and it should be responded to only with love... At the beginning there is an encounter, or rather, there is the encounter with Jesus who speaks to us of His Father, He makes His love known to us. And then the spontaneous desire will arise even in us to communicate it to the people that we love: 'I met Love', 'I found the meaning of my life'. In a word: 'I found God'. ~ Pope Francis

Later today I'll be joining sisters from here and some other countries for a Zoom celebration of the Golden Jubilee of vows for two of our sisters. Fifty years since they made their vows - so a hundred years in total of mutual fidelity, love and commitment. I've lived with both, and one has remained an especially good friend, so I'm happily celebrating with them, albeit remotely. Except, of course, that there's nothing remote about community and friendship, and our call to Love and to love!

St Valentine's Day, traditionally filled with hearts and romantic love, seems like a rather exquisite day for pledging one's life and love to the One who is all Love; the One who calls us to be love, especially where it is most needed. And this day of hearts is an especially lovely day if you've also pledged your life to the Sacred Heart, the source and revelation of God's unlimited and unconditional love, poured out for everyone. 

The greatest joy for every believer is to respond to God's call, God's design of love... God's call is love and it should be responded to only with love... 

Please pray for our jubilarians, and for all of us. Pray that we may continue to respond to Love's call only with love - and that we may radiate that great joy which comes from knowing and responding to God's special design of love for us. May our lives always show that we have met, and made our homes in and with Love!
