To be a joy-bearer

To be a joy-bearer and a joy-giver says everything: it means that one is faithfully living for God and that nothing else counts; and if we give joy to others we are doing God's work. ~ Janet Erskine Stuart RSCJ 

We don't know Mary's full reasons for journeying with such haste to her cousin Elizabeth. It might be that she went, with eager kindness and generosity, to offer her physical and moral support to a much older woman during the final trimester of her first pregnancy. But it's equally possible she went because she was as much in need of support herself. Maybe she felt she needed to be with this older, wiser woman, who would understand, and believe her account of an angelic visitor and a miraculous pregnancy, because of her own burgeoning miracle. After all, how often do we, in crisis or confusion, seek out advice or support from someone who has already 'been there'? 

But whatever she may have needed, Mary arrived, bringing her own gifts! She brought her youthful energy and zest, her generous love, and spirit of service - and, undoubtedly, she brought joy; more than enough to cause an exultant leap from deep within Elizabeth. How could she not, when she was carrying within her the One who is the source of all our joys? This pregnant young woman was surely the supreme joy-bearer, and, throughout her life, a joy-giver, faithfully living for God, and quietly, daily, doing his work.

How aware are we that we too bear Christ, Love and life and supreme joy for all, within us? 

As we celebrate the Visitation, this lovely feast full of joy and encounter, gratitude and praise of God's fidelity and promise, let's ask for the grace to be joy-bearers and joy-givers; people of gratitude and cheer, who bring all that is Christ to others, and faithfully live for God.
