Passion for Love

Last Sunday's Gospel was the Jubilee Gospel, in which Jesus announces the year of the Lord's favour. Reading from Isaiah he reminds his listeners - reminds us - that we have been anointed, called and sent to proclaim good news to the poor... healing; liberty; raising up... And in his homily, our parish priest emphasised, once again, that this Jubilee year is a time for renewal and rebirth, and a resetting of our relationships - a call made to each of us, individually and as a community. 

And very passionately, he urged everyone to be passionate about something; to discover their unique, God-given spark, their 'jubilee energy'. And, he went on to say, in our parish, we have so many people of passion... And then went on to namecheck a few of us who were there: Mary's well-known passion for music, Sylvie's for a particular charity... and then Sister Silvana has a passion for social action; she doesn't just work for Caritas, she lives Caritas! 

Well, it was lovely to be mentioned in this way (and I'll certainly make sure our Director knows about this!); and it is true that, in one way or another, a passion for justice and social action has run through my life like a golden thread. But, as I told the priest afterwards, I do hope that my real, underlying passion – and therefore what I live, and demonstrate – is not so much Caritas the charity, as the One who is caritas; the God who is unlimited Love, known through every act of charity and kindness. 

Our RSCJ Constitutions say that we are caught up in - or seized or impelled by - the desires of his Heart... This was the paragraph quoted in Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis' recent encyclical on the Sacred Heart; and these were the words I immediately thought of, when I heard myself described as passionate. But then I remembered that there are other words, towards the end of the Constitutions, which sum up our vocation, and what its underlying passion and joy must be...

In all the circumstances of our life,
wherever our mission leads us
our sole purpose in living is to glorify the Heart of Jesus,
to discover and make known His Love.

Wherever our mission leads us... Whoever I work for, however I am... And especially now, in this Jubilee Year of Hope, in a world filled with pain and despairing, may my sole purpose and passion be his Love... 

And you; what is your passion? Whatever it may be, may you too discover and deepen it, for your own renewal, and the benefit and healing of your corner of the world.
