Finding "more" of God on April 28, 2012 being RSCJ discernment feasts Heart of Jesus hundredfold life in general memories religious life spirituality vocation +
A year of heaven on April 17, 2012 anniversaries and milestones life in general spirituality Wordles words and language writing and blogging +
Cornmarket Hallelujah on April 12, 2012 Easter and Eastertide life in Oxford poetry and song spirituality +
Playing with Wordle on April 11, 2012 life in general Wordles words and language writing and blogging +
Glorious wounds on April 08, 2012 Easter and Eastertide God's glory Heart of Jesus Love divine random thoughts Resurrection scripture spirituality wounds +
Love poured out on April 06, 2012 Cross Heart of Jesus Lent and Holy Week Open Heart and pierced seasons and weather spirituality +
2012 Calendar: April on April 02, 2012 11NG 2012 calendar Easter and Eastertide flora Lent and Holy Week magnolia scripture +