In praise of... Iris Rejoice on January 31, 2021 bereavement Coronavirus flora hope in praise of... little things seasons and weather winter +
Twinkle Twinkle and Scandi hearts on January 24, 2021 Advent and Christmastide friendship hearts kindness life in general little things videos +
Where Jesus lives today on January 18, 2021 life in general quotes random thoughts scripture this and that wounds +
Half a tomato on January 15, 2021 CST current events food and feasting generosity justice and injustice life online mission +
Ordinary time on January 11, 2021 Coronavirus current events feasts lockdown mission scripture seasons and weather +
Part of something larger on January 05, 2021 anniversaries and milestones being RSCJ Cor Unum Coronavirus Heart of Jesus life online lockdown memories +