Beginning with stillness on July 31, 2019 contemplation feasts Ignatius & co images +0 life online contemplation feasts Ignatius & co images life online
Hope in a dark tunnel on July 27, 2019 Brexit Cross current events darkness feasts +4 homilies hope justice and injustice life in general life online scripture seasons and weather Teresa & co Brexit Cross current events darkness feasts homilies hope justice and injustice life in general life online scripture seasons and weather Teresa & co
A weekend in four photos on July 19, 2019 being RSCJ flora images life in general life online retreating Society texts spirituality + vocation being RSCJ flora images life in general life online retreating Society texts spirituality vocation
God's meeting place on July 16, 2019 current events feasts life online mission prayer religious life spirituality + Teresa & co current events feasts life online mission prayer religious life spirituality Teresa & co
Listen... on July 11, 2019 Benedict & co current events discernment feasts images life in general patrons + vocation Benedict & co current events discernment feasts images life in general patrons vocation
Blinded by fear, dazzled by grace (the parable of the wren) on July 09, 2019 encounters flyers freedom grace +0 hundredfold encounters flyers freedom grace hundredfold